Rhodonite Oval Palmstone.
Palmstones are wonderfully tactile and are great to use as a massage tool or as a worry stone to fiddle with and promote a sense of steady calm.
Rhodonite - by SheEarthHabit: massive, tabular Hardness: 5.5–6.5
Family: Manganese
Crystal system: Triclinic
Localities: Australia, South Africa, Sweden
Being one of The Love Stones, Rhodonite carries the energy of unconditional love. An all round emotional healer, it relieves emotional stress and pressure. Rhodonite can also be used to heal pancreas and nervous system issues, hand tremors, reflexes and allergies. Assists to relieve RSI and joint issues, such as arthritis.
Each unit is for one gemstone palmstone.
Rhodonite Oval Palmstone
- Carved Shape: Smooth Puff Oval
- Gemstone Variety: Rhodonite
- Carving Size: 60mm x 40mm x 15mm
Each piece is intuitively chosen especially for you. There will be some size and colour variation from piece to piece but overall they are all of the same quality as the stones pictured.